Shine A Light On The Right

Greetings Voters!

As you are undoubtedly aware, we are heading towards the most important election of our lifetime. You can surely expect the next months to be filled with disinformation, diversion, and divisive discourse.

In an effort to set the records straight, we have created Shine a Light on the Right, an information campaign with fact-filled articles about our two 26th Legislative District State Representatives, Jesse Young, and Michelle Caldier.
There you'll find short informative write-ups that include links to voting records, news articles, etc. to help clarify their records, activities, and positions. It will be accompanied by a social media campaign which we hope will engage a wide range of voters.

We contend that Young and Caldier are working against our community’s best interests in both character and competence, and we intend to share the receipts to back up that claim.
We hope that having hard facts and reliable reports will help voters in Washington's 26th Legislative District make informed choices. Additionally, we want to help you easily share reliable, well-researched information with your fellow voters. “All politics is local”, and this is how we fight the Trump takeover here in our beautiful corner of the country.

We invite you to follow and engage here:

Hope For Our Future

The current Global Pandemic has revealed the astonishing strength of our human spirit. The entire world has paused and made enormous sacrifices with the sole purpose of saving our neighbors. In a time of pernicious division, we have stood together to save millions of strangers. It is undoubtedly the most remarkable act of global unity and compassion of all time. The shift in values and perspective has been seismic. Although we are still in the midst of the crisis, we already see results of that shift as we experience the widespread support for Black Lives Matter. It has nourished and revived our hope for the future

This crisis has also taught us with stinging clarity how desperately we need a government that is vibrant and strong enough to serve its people in times of catastrophe.